
Was muss ich nach Unit 12 können?

Was muss ich nach Unit 12 können?


Time; months and dates; rooms in a house


Time; months and dates; rooms in a house

Grammar 1: Ordinal numbers

Telling the time in English

Grammar 2: Calendar, date formats

Wochentage, Monatsnamen; verschiedene Datumsformate.

Grammar 3: Time prepositions

Die richtigen Präpositionen bei Zeitangaben

Grammar 4: Past Tense: past simple 1: (to be) : was-were

Die einfache Vergangenheit

Text production:

Writing a dialogue in the past tense

Everyday English/expressions:

How dare you.

You’re welcome.

That was close.

Pronunciation:  [θ] in ordinal numbers (e. g. the fifth)